Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easy Like A Sunday Morning

* Keep an eye on your email tomorrow between 10-12 East Coast Time.  No promises but I am going to try and send out a link which will hopefully live stream footage of me doing something pretty outrageous.  I am working on getting it booked.  No promises.  I'd say it is 50/50 at best.  In any event, I'm not crying wolf because it's not a certainty.  Just keep an eye on the inbox and hopefully I can spice up your day at my expense.

Mom and Susan, DON'T watch!


The first casualty of the trip has sadly arrived.  Adios iPod!  Quite frankly, I am shocked it made it this far.
I made the discovery at 5am this morning when I went to run the beach.  I guess she died peacefully in her sleep.  How much do we think a new iPod in Alajuela, Costa Rica costs?  My guess is 75,000 colones! Yikes!

I thought the set of all those Corona Commercials would be a good place to grieve the loss of my iPod.  As you can see, I don't have the curves to attract much of a crowd.

I started book number two today.  The Hunger Games.

For the second day in a row, I had left my socks outside my door to let them dry out.  For the second day in a row, I ended up finding them in the bush next to where I left them... After a recon mission, I figured out that someone was trying to eat them.  Yeah, gross.
Another $4 or so went into the McGilvery swear jar when I found out the hard way that dinosaurs are not extinct

Get lost T-Rex

After lunch I went back to the beach for a few hours before catching a ride to Alajeula.  This is Costa Rica's second largest city.  I tried to catch a futbol game along the way, but the local team which plays on Sundays is away tonight.

When the cabby, Santos, pulled up to the establishment I was to sleep at tonight, I said to him " Not a #$%^&* chance I am staying here"  They made the place look a lot nicer online!  After 5 excruciating minutes with the front desk, it turns out Santos took me to the wrong place. Can I get another amen?  Those of you familiar with my tree fort in Boston know that I don't need much with my accommodations but this place looked as safe as the machetes were a few days back in the bottled water isle at the grocery store. 

I just got to my hotel (I use this term very loosely.  I wanted to suggest to the guy at the front desk that they should replace the H with an M and it would be more fitting.  I kept that to myself)

Time to find some dinner and end my day watching some MASH en espanol.


The Future Is No Place To Place Your Better Days


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