Saturday, May 19, 2012

Australian Sunrises are not to be taken for granted


I have spent the last few days in Arrawarra Beach, Australia which is located on the east coast between Sydney and Brisbane.  (This is like saying something is located between Boston and Miami.  I just don't know any other points of reference.  I have been living in a cargo shipping container!  Truth.   It was plunked down on the earth 50 yards from the ocean and a few beds were put in it.  It's so ridiculous.  It's awesome!  Here, I enrolled in the MOJO Surf Camp.  I'm fairly certain I could live here for the rest of my life with zero complaints.  The sunrises and sunsets have been amazing.  The water is warm.   There were dolphins riding the waves alongside me this morning while the sun was rising.  Unreal.  I tried to hang 10 all day today.  (This is when you walk out to the very front of your surfboard and hang your toes over the nose of the board while riding a wave.)  I wish I could say this went better than it did, but it was fun trying!  What more could I ask for in a day?  Not much.  I also knocked out about 200 pages of Angels & Demons.

I spent the last few mornings working on my golf swing on the beach while I waited for the sun to rise.  I had the place completely to myself.  It felt magical in a way. 

Since landing down under, I have had plenty of traveling time/time to think.  I found myself coming to terms with a few things.  First, is the FACT that I hold grudges against people and that this is a real problem of mine.  One of many I'm sure.  Life is too short and I need to let things go. Effective immediately, if possible, I intend to reach out to those that I have wronged or that I feel have wronged me, and put water under the bridge.  There are also a few long overdue apologies that I need to get to as well.  I have no doubt that addressing these issues will lead to a happier and healthier me, and I look forward to that.  Hopefully these actions can also bring a little sense of peace to those I have wronged as well.

Also,  I feel quite blessed to have been afforded an opportunity to do the things I have been doing over the last few months.  Nothing is a given in this world and even our surest bets from time to time don't turn out the way we wished or thought they would.  That said, I'm so thankful for today, and plan to make the most of tomorrow.

Anyways, enough of that.

I'm going to run.  Hoppin' a Greyhound up the coast to Byron's Bay.  It is supposed to have some of the nicest beaches in the world, great surf, and some extreme adventures.  Sounds pretty good to me.  


PS.  Anyone know where I can buy a bar of soap and a razor?

PPS.  I know there are a few of you reading my blog that I owe an apology to.  I am sorry.  And whenever we cross paths/connect again, you will get one in person as well.  Thanks for your patience with me.

Arrawarra Beach, Australia

Waiting for the sunrise!  Hit it right down the middle :)

Flight to Australia from Africa: $$$$  Private Surf Lessons: $$$  Practicing my golf swing with a piece of driftwood at sunrise before surfing: PRICELESS

View from the Cargo Container!

Beat my Surf Coach to the beach by about 3 hours!

Let me know when I need to quit it with my Tebow'n

East Coast of Australia Sunrise! Check out those love handles!

Check out my home! Cargo Ship container on the beach!

The Future Is No Place To Place Your Better Days

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